Don’t Blame Genes For Obesity

Don’t Blame Genes For Obesity

Genes stay relatively stable over generations and any sudden increase is not very likely to be caused by a genetic change. The 800% increase in about 30 years in obesity numbers in Singapore isn’t very likely caused by genes. In 2007, on chromosome 16 of the genome, the FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated) gene was found and named. People who express this gene have a significant increase in obesity. With this news, medical industries were ready to market commercial genetic tests. The good news is that those tests are likely not valid and you can inhibit the FTO gene, and possibly many more of these similar genes.

Why Gene Testing Isn’t That Great

Genetic testing is gaining popularity amongst many segments of the population. A simple gene test for cancer can be between S$ 2.000 and S$ 5.000. The complexity of genes is yet to be determined and scientists are not able to make clear of the science.

The scientist doesn’t know what the test means, has a certain gene (or gene mutation)   (1) the predictive ability is still limited;.

The tests that companies use are based on information that has not been tested and the outcomes of those results are not verified  (2) the risk models used by the companies are based on assumptions that have not been verified;

Scientists are constantly finding new forms of any specific gene, and when these new variants are included in the different tests, the predictability of the test becomes different (3) the predicted risks keep changing when new variants are discovered and added to the test;

The impact of non-genetic factors are difficult to predict and are not or seldom included in the test “(4) the tests do not consider non-genetic factors in the prediction of cardiovascular disease risk”

The limited knowledge about genetic risk is becoming even less useful when you consider that there is no significant ability to combat these “bad genes”. Furthermore, stressing about having these genes will likely create an unhealthy environment. (5) the test results will not change recommendations for preventive interventions

 As one author noted writing about gene testing; “actual empirical research remains relatively scant”.

Why Do We Get Fat

One of the reasons why obesity is increasing is the addition and change of fats. The switch towards polyunsaturated fatty acids, away from saturated fats, is one of the reasons. Polyunsaturated fats are used by animals to initiate hibernation and get fat. Polyunsaturated are known to lower thyroid function and decrease the metabolic rate, in turn, contributes to fat accumulation. Below is the increase in polyunsaturated fats from the 1970s and the decrease in saturated fat. Good fats for keeping a healthy weight are coconut oil, butter, and olive oil.

The Foods Are Not The Same

Detailed studies show that the foods we eat are becoming worse. The same amount of foods eaten in the 2000’s are more fattening than the same foods eaten in 1980s. Reasons for this are most likely more pesticides and less nutrients. Sourcing for nutrients dense foods could provide a good outcome. For more information order the book about training here or contact us here.